Play and compete with the best

CCSF Premiere Competitive Soccer

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Please be sure to enter the correct player number when ordering your gear. If you do not know your player's number, do not order. Contact the club for number confirmation.

All items sold through this store are custom and made to order. No returns or exchanges will be permitted. Confirm you have ordered the correct size for your player!

YOUTH, ADULT and WOMEN'S are available in game uniforms, training jerseys and warm-ups kits.

About Competitive Soccer

Our Competitive Program is open to boys and girls ages U8-U19 and is designed for players who exhibit the talent, commitment, and sportsmanship necessary to compete at the highest levels. In a positive and challenging environment, players have the opportunity to further develop their skills and compete in local, regional, and even out-of-state games and tournaments. The program requires a strong commitment from both players and their families, as travel is often necessary. Each team is placed in leagues and competitions that align with the competitive level and developmental needs of the players.

Competitive teams are formed in the spring of each year through open tryouts and evaluations. Players are accepted to their team from July 1 to June 30th the following year but are committed to a ten-month (10-month) playing season (1 August – 31 May).

Current FYSA carded players outside of Charlotte County Soccer Federation are not eligible to tryout until May 1st. Furthermore ‘Non-FYSA sanctioned’ ID/ Assessments, will not be covered under any of the FYSA  insurance policies. 



Frequently Asked Questions

The registration fee is set each season year. This fee covers the following: 2 practice shirts, FYSA registration, USA League registration, Referee fees for all games played, Region “C” Cup tournament fee, one other tournament fee, some trainer session, conditioning training, some goalie training.  You will have to purchase the uniform package separately through the Uniform supplier. A link to that will be posted on the website after tryouts are completed. CCSF does offer a payment plan when registering.

For the 2024 – 2025 Season: U8-U10 $600; U11-U19 $700 (Late registration add $50)   Returning Comp Players will receive a $100 credit towards 2024-2025 season.

We will be getting NEW uniforms for 2024- 2025 season.  After tryouts are completed there will be a link posted on the website and also directions will be emailed to you on how to order the uniform package from Score Sports. The custom uniform package of 3 shirts, 2 shorts and 3 pairs of socks. Please do not order your uniform until your number has been assigned to you. To order your uniform, please contact either the VP of Competitive Soccer or the Treasurer.

The league games start at different times of the year depending on the age group. The older age group (U- 15 and above) start their season in the beginning of August and last until the middle of October. Then after the holiday break they will start preparing for the Region Cup tournaments. The younger age groups (U-14 and below) start their regular season in November and it runs until the end of February with the Region Cup tournament. This schedule is always subject to change due to changes in league organization or if the Coach of your team would like to play in end of season or Preseason Tournaments.

Practices will begin in late June for the older age groups (U-15 and above) and probably in early August for the younger age groups (U-14 and below). Most teams practice at least twice a week but some may try and practice 3 times a week during the summer. This is basically up to the coach of your particular team. All teams practice at both North & South locations, unless a team as a whole changes to one location.

You may be asked to contribute more money if your team has registered for other tournaments besides the two that are covered in the registration fee. Also some teams do have coaching fees that are agreed on with that particular team. Most of our teams have fundraisers for their specific team to try and offset any of these other costs that may come up throughout the year.

All of our teams participate in the USA league which is based out of Tampa. Our region runs from Pasco County all the way down to Collier County. So it is hard for us to be specific. Your team may get lucky and only have to drive as far north as Bradenton but you may also have to go to Pasco County. Our teams play a 14 game regular season schedule with 7 home games and 7 away. This does not include other weekends when you may be playing in a tournament.

Information on Tryouts and how to sign up can be located on our Tryout page located here.

Only players invited to join a Competitive team should sign up. Registration to sign up is sent directly to the Parents/Players. Any Parent/Player in need of the registration link should contact their coach. If you are unable to contact your coach, please reach out to the Registrar or VP Competitive Soccer.  All players looking to play Recreational soccer should sign up here when registration is open.

The easiest way to view your teams current season standings is to view them here. Be advised, CCSF has no control over when the scores are put in as they are entered by the Referees and League.  [email protected]om

Plenty of water, correct-size soccer ball: U9 – U12: Size 4,
U13 and Up: Size 5. Soccer cleats and shin guards are MANDATORY. Registration insurance form

Please do not wear any shirts with ANY club affiliation logo

No jewelry allowed The less time spent during the check-in process the more time the players have on the field. We have limited positions available so not all players will earn a spot on a competitive team. If a player does not make the team, some will be asked to join the Developmental Program. Many developmental players have successfully moved up to play on a competitive team. Once the teams have been chosen, all players will be contacted by phone or e-mail. We look forward to seeing you during tryouts. Good Luck!! Charlotte Premier


Competitive Soccer Leadership

Contact our CCSF premiere Staff for any question

Gerald Mauger


Stacey Brown


Adam Gee